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At the Feb. 12 school board meeting, Superintendent Michael Roth announced changes to the 2013-2014 school calendar discussed at the most recent curriculum and technology committee meeting.

School will be in session April 16 as the first snow makeup day with an early dismissal of 12:15 p.m. for secondary students and 1 p.m. for elementary students. Lunch will be served. Teachers will have professional development following early dismissal. The second snow makeup day will be April 17 with an early dismissal of 10:15 a.m. for secondary students and 11 a.m. for elementary students. The third makeup day will be June 9, the fourth will be June 10, the fifth will be June 11, the sixth will be June 12, the seventh will be June 13, the eighth will be June 16 and the ninth will be June 17.

June 18 through 20 will be additional snow makeup days if needed. Roth reiterated 180 days of class instruction must be completed by June 30.

Roth also said graduation has been changed to June 11 at Symphony Hall. According to Roth, the date will not change.

For the seniors who will not be receiving 180 days of class instruction, the district's subsidy from the Pennsylvania Department of Education will be reduced by $1,100 each day.

Board members asked Roth if PDE could be petitioned for relief on the school calendar due to weather; Roth said if it is possible, the district will do it.

In other business, the Future Business Leaders of America at Salisbury received approval to go to Hershey April 6 through 9 to participate in the state leadership conference.

The middle and high school twirlers were approved to go to Wildwood, N.J. May 1 to 3 to participate in an indoor twirling event.

The 2014-2015 proposed preliminary general fund budget reflecting total expenditures of $33,263,837 was approved. The district will apply for referendum exceptions from PDE and begin work on finalizing the budget.

In personnel news, Constance Keller was approved as a part-time, four hours a day instructional assistant at Western Salisbury Elementary School. Meredith Makoul and Ashlee Csicsek were approved as middle school softball coaches for the 2013-2014 school year. Caitlin Hrebik was approved as a volunteer assistant varsity girls basketball coach for the 2013-2014 school term. Louis Bottitta was approved as a volunteer assistant varsity boys tennis coach and Brian Bleam was approved as a volunteer assistant boys tennis coach for the 2013-2014 school year. Robert Tocci, Lynn Unger, Julie Sentz and Becky Gilbert were approved as volunteer assistant twirling coaches for the 2013-2014 school term.

Western Salisbury PTA Treasurer Stacey Brobst attended the meeting to discuss district policy 121 on field trips and educational tours, last revised Jan. 18, 2006. Brobst also attended the Feb. 10 curriculum and technology committee meeting Feb. 10 where the topic was listed on the agenda but not discussed.

In her comments, Brobst quoted the policy which states, elementary students "will have the opportunity for one general budget (district) sponsored field trip in the content areas of language arts, math, science or social studies. Students may participate in one additional field trip in the arts area as determined by the special subject teachers." Brobst said the district has not been adhering to this policy for many years.

The next operations committee meeting is 7 p.m. March 3 at the administration building.

The next curriculum and technology meeting is 7 p.m. March 10 at Salisbury High School.

The next regular school board meeting is 7:30 p.m. March 19 at the administration building.