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Cub Scout Pack 146 holds Pinewood Derby competition

Cub Scouts of Pack 146, sponsored by Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eastern Salisbury, held its annual Pinewood Derby competition Feb. 8 at the church along Church Road.

The competition features small cars the Scouts fashion from a block of pinewood and race down an incline in successive heats until the fastest five cars are determined. The five fastest cars are eligible to go on to the next regional event to be held next month at the Jewish Community Center in Allentown.

The Scouts with the five fastest cars are: Stone Crocus, first place; Logan Hoffman, second place; Jacob Heckman, third place; Stuart Carl, fourth place; and Gabe Argall, fifth place.

All the Scouts are residents of Salisbury Township. The event also featured refreshments served as a fundraiser by Scout mothers throughout the event

PRESS PHOTOS BY JIM MARSH Troop 146 Boy Scout Josh Oswald, of Salisbury Township, is the starter for Cub Scout Pack 146's Pinewood Derby held Feb. 8, at Jerusalem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Eastern Salisbury, along Church Road.