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Letter to the editor

To the Editor:

It's obvious an industrial area is going to be developed on what is presently airport property in Allen Township. I have some concerns about the way the airport is going about this project.

Someone should be responsible for the design, layout and management of the entire property rather than the airport peddling one parcel at a time. Airport management over the years has acted with gross negligence and cannot and should not be trusted to manage such a project.

The airport's priority is to pedal any parcel of property they can in order to meet obligations, to solve financial problems they have brought on themselves and taxpayers.

If this project is not properly managed the airport will leave another mess for the taxpayers to clean up.

In addition, the airport should not profit from the sale of any of this land. Any profits should be used to provide infrastructure in the industrial area.

Regarding the FedEx project, although I am not against the project, as it will bring jobs and tax base to the area, I do believe it to be a bit aggressive for the proposed location.

The traffic study as explained, seems to greatly minimize the added traffic on area roads. This study also seems to completely ignore the additional traffic that will follow when more industries build in this area.

A far more detailed study needs to be done on the effect of this traffic to Route 22 and the Airport Road/Route 22 interchange. Even if Airport Road and the roads surrounding the FedEx facility, and other facilities that are sure to follow, could be modified to accommodate the additional traffic, I am skeptical that the Route 22/Airport Road interchange can handle the additional traffic.

At the Allen Township Planning Board meeting last week, the biggest objection seemed to be the use of Willowbrook Road for heavy truck traffic due to the locations of Catasauqua High School, the park and an over-55 community.

There are ways to avoid using Willowbrook Road for the heavy trucks, and they should be considered.

Merritt Snyder

Allen Township resident