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Prior to the most recent water issues at the high school, a moisture issue with the old gym floor was raised at the Dec. 4, 2013 operations meeting by Director of Maintenance/Building and Grounds Bill Brackett.

Brackett said there was a section of the old gym raised due to moisture. The section was previously repaired during the high school renovation. Testing was done to check the moisture rate and it was determined the concrete was eroding away where the floor meets the wall. A fill of expanding foam was applied to stop a flow of air.

At the Jan. 15 school directors meeting, Brackett said the old gym floor is damaged due to a sprinkler system problem. The insurance adjuster has been out and the floor may need to be replaced.

Brackett is waiting to hear from the insurance company. He said the existing floor needs to be removed to get the concrete floor completely dry.

At the next operations meeting, Brackett will present options for the floor replacement, including a wood floor with a ventilation system underneath or a rubberized floor which is similar in cost to a wood floor. Brackett said the best case scenario is two months before the floor can be used again.

When asked for the cause of this latest issue, Brackett said the sprinkler system pipe froze and the pipe broke. "When the ice is released, water just starts to flow," Brackett said. "It was flowing for about 45 minutes to about an hour. We know how to move forward to prevent a similar situation from happening again to make sure pipes stay warm."