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VOLUNTEER opportunities

CENTER FOR CAREER PATHWAYS & LITERACY (LCCC), Allentown, seeks volunteer tutors to work with students. Contact Gloria Lowell at 610-799-1216 or glowell@lccc. edu.

PEDIATRIC CANCER FOUNDATION OF THE LV, INC., Bethlehem, has many volunteer opportunities and times available for its fifth annual Run/Walk to Live to Spread the Gold April 12. Contact Lisa Kappes at 610-297-7292 or lisa@pcflv. org.

THE GRESS MOUNTAN RANCH, Orefield, has several volunteer opportunities available at its ranch. Contact Kathryn Gress at 610-398-2122 or gressranch@ gmail.com.

Contact the Volunteer Center to receive a brochure listing agencies in need of volunteers at 610-807-0336 or email vc@volunteerlv.org. Visit the website www.volunteerlv.org for a full listing of volunteer opportunities.