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At the Jan. 6 operations committee meeting of the Salisbury Township School Board, Model United Nations received preliminary approval to create a booster club. Final approval is on the agenda for the Jan. 15 regular school board meeting.

Business Administrator Robert Bruchak explained the group hopes to raise funds to attend more events and broaden horizons for members.

The German Club requested a new account where funds can be held for the German American Partnership program. The club has a faculty advisor with students as officers. No taxpayer money is placed in the account; it is all student-raised money and separate from the general fund. The district acts as a fiduciary overseer. This also received preliminary approval.

Board member Mary Ziegler asked if the treasurer in clubs should be bonded to avoid any potential problems.

Board member Tom Mantz said perhaps a treasurer bonding requirement should be added to the policies in existence for clubs.

Superintendent Michael Roth said he will check with the solicitor.

Board member Russell Giordano asked how many times Model UN students can miss classes for activities. Roth assured the board the principals let administration know about potential trips which are then brought to the board for approval.

In other meeting news, Director of Maintenance/Building and Grounds William Brackett informed the board of some maintenance issues at both the high school and Western Salisbury Elementary School.

At Salisbury High School, a fire alarm went off 5 p.m. Jan. 5 during Salisbury Youth Association basketball practice alerting maintenance to a sprinkler head which burst in the basement's main electrical room. The water flowed over the PPL panels, to which the school does not have access. The panels were saturated. Fortunately, maintenance was in the building, PPL was contacted and two large dehumidifiers were placed in the room. PPL came out at midnight to clear the panels and Simplex replaced the sprinkler head that night. Albarell Electric also was on site and verified there was no damage. At no time was the high school out of power and the sprinkler system was back up at 9 p.m.

At WSE, a coil on the heating system broke and was leaking water over the faculty lounge and other classrooms Jan. 6. The entire building was 55 degrees. Because the coil was leaking, the system was drained and shut itself down. There had been no heat in the building since the evening of Jan. 3 and one of the lines froze. The coils are made by size and one has been ordered and the heat has been restored to the majority of the building. Students were shifted to different classrooms during this maintenance issue.