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Salisbury Fire Departments

Administrative and fire line officers were named recently after crew members for Eastern Salisbury and Western Salisbury fire departments held elections for 2014.

Fire officers for Eastern Salisbury Fire Department are: chief, Dave Tomcics; deputy chief, Dennis Takacs Jr.; assistant chief, Kyle Mertl; and, captains, James Seagreaves and Robert Curcio.

Eastern Salisbury Fire Police officers are: captain, Frank Bummer; and, lieutenant, James Tomcics.

Administrative officers for ESFD for 2014 are: president, Keith Desch; vice president, James Seagreaves; treasurer, Lindsey Tomcics; and, secretary, Anthony Levan.

Western Salisbury Fire Department line officers are: chief, Joshua Wells; assistant chief, Dev Kannan; deputy chief, Jason Faryniak; captain, Adam Al-Khal; and lieutenants, Jerry Royer and Jonathan Hucko.

WSFD administrative officers are: president, Chad Ekdahl; vice president, Rodney Wells; treasurer, Richard Mann; recording secretary, Adam Al-Kahl; and, corresponding secretary, Nicos Elias.