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Thanksgiving dinner set for Thursday

The 31st Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Dress Up Day and Food Drive will take place at Sheckler Thursday, Nov. 21.

The annual event is a time for families to come together to enjoy lunch at school with their child.


Sheckler is sponsoring a Holiday Shop for students. The event affords students the opportunity to purchase gifts for family, friends and even pets.

Gift prices will range from 50 cents to $3.50. The shopping day schedule and envelope will be sent home with students. Parents may fill in the amount of money their child can spend per category and enclose payment for their child.

Browsing days will take place Nov. 25-27 so students can preview items and get an idea of what they might like to purchase, along with the price of each item.


A reminder that students will be dismissed at noon in grades 1-4. Kindergarten will be on a modified schedule Nov. 22-27 for parent teacher conferences.

No lunches will be served on these days.


School will be closed Nov. 28 through Dec. 2 for Thanksgiving break.

Regular scheduled classes will resume on Dec. 3.