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Hornet Happenings

Editor's Note: We welcome Katrina Guido as our new high school correspondent. Guido is a senior at Emmaus High School. She is editor in chief of The Stinger, secretary of the Class of 2014, secretary of the French Club, one of the captains of the girls varsity tennis team and a member of Math League and the National Honor Society.

Emmaus High School's fall play Pride and Prejudice will run 7 p.m. Nov. 7 through 9 in the auditorium. Tickets can be reserved on the EHS website and obtained in the main office or at the door.

Congratulations to violist Ferguson Watkins and singers Anthony Sharp and Mason Trinkle on being named as members of the 2013 All-National Honor Ensembles, the first students in EHS history to earn this honor according to the Principal's Newsletter. They perform Oct. 30 in Nashville, Tenn. with other qualifying student musicians from across the country.

Congratulations to Alan Bebout, Robert Bishop, Katrina Guido, Aife Ni Chochlain and Anna Overholts who were honored at a recent school board meeting for being named semifinalists in the 2014 National Merit Scholarship Competition.

The guidance department recently introduced the EHS community to Family Connection from Naviance which allows students to request transcripts and letters of recommendation, search out scholarships, sign up for college visits at the high school and research colleges and careers.

The Earth Watch Club is offering paper recycling for both the high school and the surrounding Emmaus community via their green and yellow bins located in lot G outside of the cafeteria and science wing. The club cannot take phone books, plastic (including plastic bags), cardboard, glass or aluminum. The school will earn money per ton of recyclables collected.

The Red Cross Club will host a blood drive at the school Nov. 6. Students may sign up during their lunch at the Red Cross table located between the two cafeterias. Parents may contact Diane Sherwood at dsherwood@eastpennsd.org for more information.

Habitat for Humanity is hosting a spaghetti dinner fundraiser 5 to 8 p.m. Nov. 9 in the EHS cafeteria for low income families. For more information and tickets, email Maria Russo mrusso@eastpennsd.org.

EHS is looking to purchase a new electronic sign for the corner of Macungie Avenue and North Street via fundraising from Giant A+ Rewards and Bottom Dollar Classroom Connections. Register your membership cards to help the school by emailing your last name, email address and 11-digit Giant or 12-digit Bottom Dollar rewards card number to cwhite@eastpennsd.org.

Students are dismissed 11 a.m. Nov. 8 due to an Act 80 Day.

Yearbooks from 2012-2013 are now available in the main office.