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Keep taxes low by preserving open space

To the Editor:

Want to keep taxes low? Preserve open space.

By preserving open space, we reduce costs for infrastructure and services, thereby reducing the need for tax increases. Farmland and open space generate no traffic, creates no crime, needs little fire protection and places no new students into our school system. Growth should be concentrated where infrastructure already exists like the empty commercial locations along Route 222.

Many who want to preserve farmland are motivated by a belief that it will enhance quality of life. While this is true, often forgotten and equally important are the financial issues. Farmland is a positive contributor to the tax base. What replaces it often costs taxpayers more when liabilities to provide infrastructure and services outweigh increased revenue.

Studies consistently show farmland costs around $0.25 in services for every $1 it generates in taxes. This is by far and away the best land use for keeping taxes low.

Some Lower Macungie Commissioners want to rezone large swaths of agricultural land along Route 100 for more strip commercial development. Not only will this hurt quality of life but I cannot think of a quicker way to guarantee higher municipal taxes over the long term.

If commissioners want to create another new strip corridor on Route 100 then they must defend that decision by providing the lifecycle cost benefit analysis.

Ron Beitler

Candidate for LMT Commissioner