Whitehall-Coplay School District News
The Whitehall High School cheering squad will hold a Longaberger, Coach and Vera Bradley bingo Oct. 27 at the American Club in Coplay. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. and bingo starts at 2 p.m.
The event will include 20 regular games and specials, door prizes and a Chinese auction, along with refreshments.
There is a cost.
For tickets, contact Bonnie Boyer at 484-550-8235 after 4 p.m. or email bonster0881@yahoo.com for ticket information.
School will be closed Monday, Oct. 14.
Staff will take part in a professional development day.
Gockley Elementary School families, staff, and friends are invited to support the school's activities by stopping by the local Chick-fil-A restaurant at the Lehigh Valley Mall Tuesday, Oct. 15, between the hours of 5 and 7 p.m.
The school will receive 20 percent of the sales. Students in the class with the highest participation will receive coupons for a free kid's meal.
You must bring the form that was included the newsletter to receive the credit.
More flyers and information will be sent home this week.
Gockley Wear Red Day is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 25.
Wear Red Day is an effort nationwide to show support for the efforts to reduce the demand for illegal drugs in our country.
Children may wear red socks, red shirts, red sweaters, red shoelaces, red hair ribbons, etc.
This is considered a school spirit day.
Gockley participates in several programs that provide funds for student activities. These include Giant Stores' A+ School Rewards, General Mills' Boxtops for Education, Bottom Dollar Classroom Connections and Target's Take Charge of Education.
Funds generated are used for classroom activities and special programs and events throughout the school year.
The school appreciates the support of families and friends.
"Passionately Pink" will be held to raise funds for the fight against breast cancer at Zephyr Elementary School Friday, Oct. 11.
It's passionate because the need to fight breast cancer is urgent and because so many have been affected by breast cancer in one way or another.
Participating is simple. Just wear pink. Staff will make donations to the American Cancer Society's Making Strides for Breast Cancer, to be held Oct. 26 in Bethlehem.
Students may participate if they would like, but are not required to make a donation.
The school district limites educational trips to seven school days per year.
Any days missed for travel beyond the seven days of absence will be considered unauthorized and illegal if the student's age is 16 or younger.
The Family Educational Trip Request Form (available in the school office) must be submitted to the office before departure. If the form is not submitted before the trip, the days will be considered illegal.
The district prefers that all trips be scheduled during the holiday breaks.
Remember to pick up your PTO Market Day food items 4:30-5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 16.
The PTO trip to New York City for the Holiday Shopping and Lights Tour is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 7.
Space is limited. To reserve your seat, contact Rhonda Bastian at Sail Away Events and Travel at 484-433-1592 or email RhondaLBastian@gmail.com.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the Whitehall-Coplay School District. Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTOs, club advisors, and any other community members are invited to share their upcoming activities. Email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with " Whitehall-Coplay School News" in the subject line at least a week before an event.