Your community, your newspaper, your life
As news- paper executives struggle over whether the news should be digital first, tablet first, SMS first or print first, readers know exactly what they want their local newspaper to be community first.
Reading a newspaper is not like reading a novel, a magazine, a history book, poetry, prose or any other type of literature.
Newspapers are not about what has happened in the past, what is happening someplace else, or what happens in an author's imagination.
Newspapers are about us.
Newspapers are about our child's first school field trip, a Friday night high school football game, a livestock show hosted by the agriculture extension office or an increase in our property tax rate.
At least those are the things a relevant newspaper is all about whether your read it online or sit down with a morning cup of coffee and enjoy the traditional printed edition the way it was meant to be.
Newspapers viable, strong, growing, thriving newspapers are all about the communities they serve.
Sure, in the interest of transparency, some newspapers have struggled in recent years.
Many more are growing.
So what's the difference between the newspapers on a downward spiral and those adding days of publication, adding staff and printing more sections and pages than ever before?
Really it is not all that complicated. In fact, it is rather basic.
The difference is community.
Newspapers, like any business or individual, will always struggle when they stop doing the things they do well.
In a quest to be more modern, to be more business savvy, or to use more silicon, we cannot lose sight of the single most important characteristic and historically important aspect of a quality newspaper you our readers.
We hold public officials accountable, advocate for openness in government and champion the cause of ordinary citizens, because we are committed to the neighborhoods, cities, county and coverage area we serve.
Watered down editorial pages, articles that read like a public relations campaign for government and page after page of wire service content will never resonate in the same way as celebrating our own community and standing up for its citizens.
Newspapers hold public officials accountable because it makes the place we call home a better place to live and because it is the right thing to do.
Newspapers do not make the news. They report it all of it.
Of course, a newspaper wants to celebrate its community.
We share the great human interest stories, provide a slice of life in the county, highlight worthwhile causes, focus on interesting people and most especially on our young people with every edition.
With intelligent, thoughtful, compelling commentary, coupled with clearly written, straightforward news reporting we work every day to tell the truth and in that way we remain a vital and positive part of the community.
The newspaper belongs to the community.
That is why we work every day to give citizens a voice, to empower them and tell their stories.
That is why we hold government accountable because at our very core we believe that government belongs to the governed and not to the governing.
That is why we embrace the newspaper's role as the Fourth Estate.
According to historian Thomas Carlyle, Irish statesman and author Edmund Burke (1729-1797) said, "There were three Estates in Parliament, but in the Reporters Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all," (Heroes and Hero Worship in History, 1841).
Though in many places reporters have reduced themselves to simply being a mouthpiece for local government, reporting what officials want them to report and hiding what they don't, a community and a democracy is best served when the newspaper provides a forum for checks and balances as the Fourth Estate of government.
Great newspapers, relevant newspapers that are embraced by their communities and consequently profitable, growing newspapers have not forgotten that role and have not abandoned these values.
We are not the enemy of government rather we are the champions of citizens of our community.
We know if newspapers do not stand up for citizens and protect the rights of free speech and the rights of access to government, then no one will.
We work each day to build a culture and incubate an environment where those elected feel accountable to those who elected them.
Newspapers should be the most powerful advocate citizens have and be their open forum for a redress of grievances.
Any newspaper that represents the interests of the governing, more than the interests of the governed, is not worth the paper it is printed on or the ink that fills its pages.
Newspapers, the good ones, still make a difference in the communities they serve.
Burke also said, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
As newspaper reporters, editors and staff, we have the daily, or weekly, opportunity to do something something that matters to our community and in all of our lives.
As long as people still read, still care about their quality of life, still love the place they call home and still pay taxes, newspapers that retain their role as the Fourth Estate and that celebrate the lives of ordinary people, will remain relevant, will matter to the community and be a part of your every day life.
Jim Zachary is a newspaper veteran who has championed government transparency. He is the editor of the Clayton News Daily and the Henry Daily Herald in metro Atlanta and director of The Tennessee Transparency Project.