EMMAUS COLUMN Halloween parade, 5K run set for Oct. 19; Trick or Treat Night Oct. 31
It's that time of year for the eagerly awaited annual Emmaus Halloween parade.
The parade will begin 7:30 p.m. Oct. 19. There is a rain date of 6:30 p.m. Oct. 20. The parade committee, which has been meeting weekly at borough hall, could always use more volunteers. For information, call 610-965-6250 or email EmmausParade@aol.com.
While you are staking out your viewing spot along the parade route, be sure to cheer the runners, some in costume, participating in the National Penn Bank Halloween 5K race which starts 7 p.m. before the parade and follows the parade route. The proceeds from the race go toward Halloween parade expenses and park projects. For information, visit Emmaus 5k.com.
Emmaus' Trick or Treat night will be held 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 31. Homeowners are advised to turn on their porch lights if they want to welcome the youngsters.
For some toe-tapping music and family fun, be sure to attend the Emmaus Special Entertainment Commission's Bluegrass Festival 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sept. 28 at Emmaus Community Park. The festival features numerous bluegrass bands, including "Big Valley Bluegrass," "Blue Mountain Junction," "Without a Paddle," "Saucony Grass" and "Willow Creek." The festival also features food and beverages. The Emmaus Main Street Partners will host a beer tent during the festival. For information, call 610-965-6279.
The Emmaus Garden Club will meet Oct. 1 at Faith Presbyterian Church, North Second and Cherokee streets. Marianne Lieberman, owner of Maple Springs Vineyard, will present a program on the vineyard. Lieberman, of Bechtelsville, comes from a family with a long tradition of brewmasters. Doors open 12:30 p.m., program follows 1 p.m. The public is welcome; you need not be an Emmaus resident to attend. For information, call 610-967-5058.
The Emmaus Garden Club is also presenting "A Feast for the Eyes" flower show 1 to 5 p.m. Oct. 5 at Emmaus Moravian Church, 146 Main St. This is a public event; there is no admission charge. A bake sale is also offered.
The Friends of the 1803 House have exciting plans for the Oct. 5 A Very Merrie Halloween. The 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. event features storytelling and games, a Halloween costume parade and a visit 11 a.m. from the Wildlands Conservancy with some "not-so-scary" creatures. There will be a baking contest, tours of the historic house and juried crafts and art for sale. Pulled pork platters will be available as well as soups and desserts. Tickets for the pulled pork platters can be purchased in advance at Sweet Memories or the day of the event; take out will be available. For information, contact Laura Fetzer at lfetzer3@ptd.net, call 610-965-5037 or check the house's website at www.1803house.org.
Plan ahead: Tickets for the 1803 House's Nov. 10 Candlelight Dinner are now on sale. A ticket buys a chance for a catered dinner by Sweet Memories for 10 guests and served in the 1803 House. Only 250 tickets will be sold. Tickets can be purchased at Sweet Memories, from any board member or at the Emmaus Farmers Market at the 1803 House table Oct. 6.
Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 6 through Oct. 12. Look for some fire prevention activities and a way to thank the firefighters who help keep our community safe.
Emmaus Borough Council meets 7 p.m. Oct. 7 and 21 at borough hall, 28 S. Fourth St. The borough will begin curbside leaf collection Oct. 21 though Dec. 6.
Borough residents are now able to drop off E-waste at the E-waste dumpster beside the Klines Lane Public Works Department garage noon to 6 p.m. the second Monday of the month. The site will be open Oct. 14. For a list of items and applicable charges, visit borough.emmaus.pa.us.
The Emmaus Arts Commission will kick off its Student Horror Film Festival 6 p.m. Oct. 10 at Emmaus High School. For registration and other information, visit emmausarts.org/student_Horror_film_festival_2013. The showing of the contest-entered films will be held 2 p.m. Oct. 27 at the Emmaus Theater on Fourth Street.
St. Ann Church in Emmaus will hold its 16th annual "Basket & Bags" bingo Oct. 11 in Msgr. Hoban Gym, Sixth and Fairview streets. Doors open for free refreshments 6:15 p.m.; bingo starts 7 p.m. For information on ticket cost and to reserve tables for groups, contact Donna at 610-395-8898.
The Emmaus Public Library, 11 E. Main St., has a variety of reading adventures for students of all ages. For information on events or to register, call 610-965-9284.
The Emmaus Farmers Market continues 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday through Thanksgiving, in the parking lot of National Penn Bank, 235 Main St. For information, visit www.emmausmarket.com.
The Concerned East Penn Taxpayers Association will meet 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Oct. 15 at Fire Company #1, Sixth and Broad streets. The meeting is open to the public. Rich Shuker, a long-standing advisor within the financial services industry and a member of the Eyes on Pennsylvania organization, will discuss "Pennsylvania Property Tax Elimination" House Bill/Senate Bill 76, bills before Congress to eliminate school property tax. Light refreshments will be available. For information, visit ceptapa@ gmail.com.
The monthly Emmaus Historical Society meeting will be 7 p.m. Oct. 16 at St. John's Lutheran Church, Fifth and Chestnut streets.The program is "Rail Transportation in Emmaus– 1829-2013." The public is invited. For information, visit emmaushistoric-pa.org or 610-966-6591.
The Emmaus Historical Society museum, 563 Chestnut St., is open noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays and 4 to 9 p.m. Oct. 9 and 23.
The Emmaus police will be participating in the National Prescription Drug Take-back Day 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 26 at the Emmaus Police Department, 400 Jubilee St. The officers will be collecting any unused, unwanted and expired prescription drugs.
The GFWC-PA-Woman's Club of Emmaus will hold a candidates' night, 7 p.m. Oct. 28 at St. John's Lutheran Church, Fifth and Chestnut streets. The club will also host a Halloween Card Party, 11:30 a.m. Oct. 31 in the church's parish hall. There is a cost to attend. A light lunch will be served. The public is invited to attend both programs. For information, call 610-433-6623.
Emmaus Senior Citizen's group meets 1 p.m. the first Friday of each month at St. Matthew's Church, Fourth and Ridge streets. Any local senior citizen is welcome to attend. Musician Betty Napfzinger will entertain at the Oct. 4 program. Oct. 11 is a covered dish activity and begins at noon; the "Straw Hats" will entertain. Pete Oswald is the presenter Oct. 18 and Oct. 25 is game day. For information, call 610-966-4273.
Happy Halloween! The deadline for November news for this column is Oct. 16. Please send to Durdock@aol.com, 913 Little Lehigh Dr. or call 610-967-2661.