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Sheckler Elementary School Column

On Friday, Sept. 27 students will be attending a Laser Light Show assembly.

This assembly is being held on behalf of the Anti-Bullying program at Sheckler. Sheckler uses a card system for students to remind them to Think First and maintain positive behavior.

Each student begins each day with a green card that may be flipped to a light bulb, yellow color, or red card based on the student's behavior throughout the day. Students who maintain a positive behavior for the month are then invited to participate in a monthly reward program that is held for them.

The students are also acknowledged in two assemblies held throughout the year and recognized for Thinking First.

The first reward will be a school wide bingo held Oct. 4 for students who maintained positive behavior for the month of September.


Remember to continue to send in your box tops with your child.

The first box top contest will end Oct. 18.

The top collecting classroom in each grade level will earn a classroom party provided by the Home and School organization.

Continue to send in those box tops throughout the year to go toward the next submission contest.


Sheckler is also participating in the A+ School Rewards program offered by Giant Food Stores.

All you have to do is log onto www.giantfoodstores.com/aplus and designate your school, using your Giant Bonus Card.

The ID code for Sheckler Elementary School is 03399. Each time you use your card it will earn cash for your school.

The program will run from Oct. 6 through March 22. Sheckler will then receive a check at the end of the program to be used for the school's educational needs.

Cards may be registered now. If you participated last year, you will still need to register the card to begin earning cash for your school this year.