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Camp Jefferson makes tie-dye T-shirts

Camp Jefferson week four kicked off with a big game of manhunt throughout the park.

The kids were having a great time running around hiding and finding each other on the park playground and the open football field.

On Tuesday we went to Rascals to eat some pizza and play all the arcade games. Some of kids climbed the rock wall, played laser tag and did the hover bumper cars that were available to them.

Most of the kids, however, were playing the games where they won tickets which they could cash in for prizes. Some of the kids even hit the jackpot on the Wheel of Fortune, and the big game of the day was the Super Stacker. A group of boys decided to combine their tickets and they ended up with 3,200.

This week's craft activity was tie-dying. All the kids brought in a white T-shirt and we let them use whatever colors and designs they wanted. Some of the designs turned out very cool and the color combinations the kids came up with were awesome.

Thursday was our battle ball tournament day. We split the kids up into four teams, each with a counselor and battled it out in the building. All the kids had a great time.

The heat this week was intense. One of the kids said it was like living in a volcano. Lucky for us we're near the Jefferson pool, so we took the kids there so they could cool off by taking a dip. They love going to the pool and showing off different tricks on the diving boards.

Friday was wear your tie-die day. All the kids wore the shirts they tie-dyed earlier in the week. We all looked like we had just come from a Grateful Dead concert, but the kids enjoyed each other's designs and ideas for their shirts.

We also created an obstacle course on Friday. We set it up on the playground and kids had to run through the jungle gyms and around the trees. They had to stay within the cones and if they missed one they had to go back and do it over again. We split them up into three teams and the team who ran the course the fastest won the competition.

The campers of the week for week four were Ashley and Kevin. Both kids were fantastic all week, they participated in all the games and activities and made great tie-dye shirts.

Almost everyone, including the counselors, are excited for next week and Dutch Springs.

Submitted by

John DeLeo

head counselor