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letter to the editor

To the Editor:

All area Lions clubs are looking for new members. More members mean more ideas and a greater effort to provide service to those less fortunate.

Many people are unaware of our presence and of our service to others.

As Lions, we help provide eye exams, eye glasses, eye surgeries, a summer camp, seeing eye dogs and more. Those people in need of assistance with hearing and diabetic problems are also being helped.

For example, my son was in Louisiana after the hurricane to help build homes. He was told by the local people that Lions clubs and their members were among the first responders. The blue tents seen on television after the hurricane in Haiti were provided by Lions International. Money and supplies were sent to Japan by Lions International after their devastating tsunami.

As a result, the Lions clubs in many countries like Japan, India and China are adding new members faster than here in the U.S.A. In other countries, the people have seen firsthand how we help people in need.

Our efforts here lack overall media coverage. We need better public relations efforts. Thanks to the article in the Salisbury Press by April Peterson on June 26 for a good first step.

If and when a Lions club member invites you to a meeting, come and learn more about us. Make lifelong friends and give more of a purpose to your life.

For more information on the Lions club, call Glenn at 610-797-6346 or Rolan at 610-709-2923.

Charles Mann


Membership chairman, Mountainville Lions Club