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Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Emmaus High School recently received three bomb threats in this past school year. These threats were found in bathrooms in the school. One ninth grader has been arrested and charged for making terroristic threats, while police and other officials are working hard to find who made the other two threats.

These circumstances have caused Emmaus High School to take extreme measures by limiting bathroom usage throughout the school. Some bathrooms have been locked and bolted shut, while only a few bathrooms are open.

Due to the lack of open bathrooms, students must sign in and out of the classrooms and bathrooms to use the bathrooms. Additional staffing has also been required to patrol the usage of bathrooms. At times students could end up waiting anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes to even get into the bathroom, which disrupts their education. In fact they're spending more time waiting to use the bathrooms than learning in class.

Many athletes suffer from dehydration which results in poor performance in their sports due to the fact they avoid drinking water, because they do not want to stand in the long bathroom lines.

The bathroom situation not only affects students' education, but their health as well. Is it really worth taking away children's education and ruining their health and performance to protect the bathrooms?

In this case Emmaus High School has taken protecting itself too far.

Sneha Shankar

Emmaus High School