Published June 05. 2013 12:00AM
To the Editor:
Throughout this past school year, Emmaus High school has had a rough time.
Students at the high school performed some "funny" stunts such as placing bomb threats so we would have off of school. The people who placed the bomb threats turned a very honorable school into a joke.
The first few months of school were good, but then the first threat was placed. After the first threat came the second one. Then the third. These three threats, that were all just jokes in some people's eyes, caused commotion and worry through the school.
Each time threats were placed, we had to bring in police forces and dogs to sniff out the school and make sure the threats weren't serious. Emmaus was turned into a place where you were always being monitored. Substitute teachers were hired to sit outside the bathrooms to sign people in and out and check every five people to make sure no bomb threats were written on the walls.
Not only did the bomb threats [cause the students to] lose school days full of valuable learning, it made us lose honorability and made school a more stressful place to be.
Instead of being a place of work and learning, school had turned into a crime scene where you never knew what would happen next.
Emma Johnson
Emmaus High School student