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Salisbury High School holds academic and service awards program

The academic and service awards program for Salisbury High School was held May 22 in the high school auditorium. The following awards were presented:

Honorary Awards and Special Appointments:

School Board Representative Award: Megan Greenberg

Lehigh Valley Engineering Scholarship Award: Israel Palacios

Robert R. Gross III Leadership Award: Alan Mendez

Robert R. Gross III "Never Give Up" Award: Scott Springer

Mark Turbedsky Award: Taylor Heverly

Pat Tillman Leadership Award: Jessicca Rosario

Appointment to the United States Military Academy: Eric Tatum

Memorial Scholarship Awards:

Scott Atiyeh Memorial Scholarship Award: Victoria Brobst

Marsie Barth Memorial Scholarship Award: Thomas Walters

Jennifer Joy Dillman Memorial Scholarship Award: Carly Brown

SADD Scholarship in Memory of Jennifer Joy Dillman: Mackensie Weilnau

Pete Gangewere Memorial Scholarship Awards: Devon Engle and Erin Kloss

Gaylord Griffiths Memorial Scholarship Award: Erin Kloss

Shaleece Martinez Memorial Scholarship Award: Mackensie Weilnau

Eric Rodenberger Memorial Scholarship Awards: Tyler Lake and Marisa Strunk

Jocelyn Scholz Memorial Scholarship Award: Andrew Seagreaves

David Todd Smith Memorial Scholarship Award: Daniel Reichenbach

Larry Starner Memorial Scholarship Award: Garrett Collins

Frank Yelinko Memorial Scholarship Awards: Megan Hrebik and Daniel Reichenbach

Ben Yorgey Memorial Scholarship Award: Audrey Lea

Department Awards:

Art, Outstanding Art Student: Sue Bin Lee

English, Outstanding Language Arts Student: Casey Creveling

Marlene M. Mondlak Memorial Scholarship Award: Thalia Velez

Drama Awards: Alan Mendez and Thomas Walters

Falcon Courier Award: Austin Albright

Math, Outstanding Math Student: Daniel Reichenbach

Music, Fred Waring Director's Awards: Julisa Trinidad and Melissa Zong

National School Choral Award: Connor Harrison

John Philip Sousa Award: Connor Harrison

Quincy Jones Musicianship Award: Alan Mendez

Science, Outstanding Science Student: Logan Renninger

Social Studies, Outstanding Social Studies Student: Alan Mendez

World Languages, Outstanding German Student: Kambria Carlson

Outstanding Spanish Student: Logan Renninger

Family and Consumer Sciences/Business:

Outstanding Business Student: Ryan Utsch

Outstanding FBLA Member: Sean Adams

Outstanding Family and Consumer Sciences Student: Faith Dries

Health and Physical Education:

Outstanding Health and Physical Education Students: Megan Hrebik and Gabriel Powell

Additional Awards:

Allentown Kiwanis-Key Club Award: Abby Stevens

Charles W. Dent Congressional Citizenship Award: Gavin Sonntag

Class of 2009 Scholarship Award: Sage Gerhart

Class of 2011 Scholarship Award: Abigail Frick

Cohen & Feeley "Best of the Best" Scholarship Nominees: Casey Creveling, Kristen DeMelfy, Megan Greenberg, Alexandria Greenholt, Erin Kloss, Alan Mendez, Scott Springer

Cohen & Feeley "Best of the Best" Scholarship Recipient: Alan Mendez

Colonial League Academic All Stars: Alexandria Greenholt and Logan Renninger

Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizenshhip Award: Megan Greenberg

Discus Award: Makenna Lenover

District XI Wrestling Officials Scholarship: Anthony Dee

Donley Award for Excellence: Alan Mendez

Dwight D. Eisenhower Outstanding Leader of Character Award: Ian Carey

Elmer Gates Enterprise Awards: Amanda Ferreira and Quyen Tran

Healing Through the Arts Award: Kaitlyn Toman

Impaired Driving Car Magnet Design Contest: Meredith Heydt

Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Society of Professional Engineers: Sean Adams

Miller Keystone Blood Center Scholarship Nominee: Megan Greenberg

National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar: Alan Mendez

National Honor Society Award: Gavin Sonntag

National Merit Scholarship Commended Students: Casey Creveling and Alan Mendez

NISCA Academic All-American Award: Eric Tatum

Pennsylvania All-Academic High School Wrestling Team: Anthony Dee

The Principal's Leadership Award: Megan Hrebik

The Rensselaer Medal: Patrick Golden

Salisbury Education Foundation Scholarship Awards: Jonathan Al-Khal and Abby Stevens

Sons of the American Revolution Good Citizenship Award: Gavin Sonntag

Student Government Advisory Scholarship Awards: Megan Greenberg and Thomas Walters

Travelers Protective Association Altruism Award: Gavin Sonntag

Twirling Boosters Scholarship Award: Rachel Godusky

Twirling Scholarship Award from NJA/TIA: Carly Brown

Twirling Scholarship from TIA Chapter II: Rachel Godusky

U.S. Army Reserve National Scholar Athlete Awards: Anthony Dee and Alexandria Greenholt

U.S. Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Awards: Nicolas Ampietro and Meredith Heydt

U.S. Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award: Gavin Sonntag

U.S. Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence: Casey Creveling

Women's Club of Allentown Scholarship Award: Jessicca Rosario

Scholarships and Grants:

Sean Adams: Catholic University, University Scholarship and Parish Scholarship; Duquesne University, Academic Scholarship; St. Joseph's University, Presidential Scholarship

Nathan Borak: Case Western Reserve University, University Scholarship; University of Massachusetts, Chancellor's Scholarship

Tyler Brown: Eastern University, Presidential Scholarship; Elizabethtown College, Dean's Scholarship; Messiah College, Provost's Scholarship; Misericordia University, Presidential Scholarship; Moravian College, Trustee Scholarship; Widener University, Presidential Scholarship; York College, Dean's Academic Scholarship

Garrett Collins: Lebanon Valley College, Leadership Award; University of the Sciences, Presidential Scholarship; University of Scranton, Loyola Scholarship

Casey Creveling: Ithaca College, Leadership Recognition Award, Presidential Scholarship; The College of New Jersey, Merit Scholarship; Ursinus College, Ursinus College Scholar

Kayleigh Dottery: Duquesne University, Academic Scholarship; Old Dominion University, Leo Monarch Scholarship; University of the Sciences, Presidential Scholarship

Colleen Enos: Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Board of Governor's Scholarship

Meaghan Enos: Cedar Crest College, Trustee Scholarship

Lauren Geiger: Ursinus College, Ursinus Creative Writing Award

Sage Gerhart: Johnson & Wales University, Presidential Academic Scholarship

Ashlyn Jacoby: Westminster College, Westminster Horizon Scholarship

Brenda Hageter: Johnson & Wales University, Presidential Academic Scholarship

Sarah Hamory: Cedar Crest College, High School Achievement Scholarship

Connor Harrison: Lebanon Valley College, Achievement Award

Erin Kloss: Widener University, NBC 10 High School Leadership Award, Presidential Scholarship

Sue Bin Lee: Cedar Crest College, Trustee Scholarship

Alan Mendez: Ithaca College, Presidential Scholar; Muhlenberg College, Presidential Scholar

Jordahn Orlena: Albright College, Alumni Scholarship; Monmouth University, Monmouth Academic Grant

Marcus Rondinella: Penn State University, Chancellor's Award, Commonwealth Campus Scholarship

Jessicca Rosario: Duquesne University, University Academic Scholarship, Laval Scholarship; St. Joseph's University, Presidential Scholarship; West Chester University, Board of Governor's Scholarship

Joseph Skibbens: Loyola University Maryland, Presidential Scholarship

Scott Springer: DeSales University, Trustee Scholarship

Abby Stevens: Wilkes University, Presidential Scholarship

Ryan Utsch: Widener University, Widener University Award

Thomas Walters: Pace University, Honors Scholarship

Mackensie Weilnau: Albright College, National Honor Society Award, Presidential Scholarship; Arcadia University, Distinguished Scholarship; Muhlenberg College, Commitment to Excellence Award; University of Scranton, Loyola Scholarship

Courtney Zielinski: Philadelphia University, Faculty Grant

Melissa Zong: Cedar Crest College, Trustee Scholarship