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Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

At Emmaus High School, we hear these words on a daily basis.

Everybody in the community wishes to put the notorious bomb threats behind them, but the students at EHS are reminded everyday of these threats.

How? Bathrooms.

Since the last bomb threat, EHS has instituted a strict bathroom policy. These bathroom restrictions are interfering with students' education.

Every day, teachers must take time out of their day to write bathroom passes when they could be grading papers, or have to pause their lecture just to write as some have come to call them, "potty passes." Some teachers refuse to let students go at all during the period.

Speaking of students, some of them have to wait almost 20 minutes just to get into the bathroom. That's half a period that they're missing. And since we are only allowed to go to the bathroom one at a time, sometimes one of us could be waiting to go for 20 minutes.

There are teachers who just totally disregard the rules of "one at a time" and let students all go at once just to get it out of the way. Students aren't allowed to go to the bathroom during periods either, which in my opinion is the most opportune time to actually go.

It's not fair to the teacher or the student to have to take time from class to use the bathroom.

Obviously, this situation is not at all helpful. I understand they're doing it to catch the last two culprits, but when they do, will this stop?

People always say your first year in high school is inevitably the worst, but I feel like this one is worse than it would normally be.

Let's hope next year, we can all use the bathroom without someone breathing down our necks.

Genesis DuBon

Emmaus High School