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The long-awaited prom season is officially over, and now students, especially seniors, can look forward to finals ending, graduation and summer nights.

But before the academic hiatus can begin, students must endure the typical end of the year activities, including finals, AP testing, Keystone exams and more. However, students can enjoy the annual concerts, events and awards which occur at the end of the school year.

On May 17, Emmaus High School's Tri-M Musical Honor Society will host Broadway night in the EHS auditorium. The evening will begin 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

The EHS band will host a car wash May 18, at the Hamilton Boulevard Ice Cream World, 3512 Hamilton Blvd. The wash will take place 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and there is a cost per car.

On May 18, the Fermata Nowhere/Acca Bella concert will take place 7:30 p.m. in the EHS auditorium. Both groups are acapella, Fermata Nowhere being an all-male group and Acca Bella being an all-female group.

The Keystone exams will continue through May 21. The biology exam is scheduled for May 17, and all freshmen and sophomore students are required to take the exam.

The Algebra I exam is scheduled for May 20 and 21. All freshman and sophomore students enrolled in Algebra I must take the exam, as well as any junior needing to retest. Make-up exams for biology, Algebra I and literature will be held May 22, 23 and 24.

To view the Keystone schedule, visit eastpennsd.org/ehs.

The senior class picnic will be held May 24, immediately after fourth period, at the Emmaus Community Park.

On May 27, there will be no school due to Memorial Day.