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Envision LV

Envision Lehigh Valley will host a virtual public town hall 8-9 p.m. on May 13 to garner feedback from residents about what they want to see in the area in the next five, 10 or 20 years.

The virtual meeting will allow everyone to participate through a link and chat live with city planners from Easton, Bethlehem and Allentown and a planner from the Lehigh Valley Planning Commission.

Viewers can tweet, write Facebook comments, email or join a live chat to share their thoughts on topics from economic development to housing, and also ask questions.

The virtual meeting link to the Envision Lehigh Valley will be shared on Envision Lehigh Valley's Facebook page and Twitter feed, or through ustream.tv/channel/envision-the-lehigh-valley posted at envisionlehighvalley.com.

Questions and comments can be sent ahead of time by emailing smartgrowth@renewlv.org with "Virtual Meeting" in the subject line.

Feedback can also be given on Envision Lehigh Valley's website through the orange UserVoice box or the Survey function.