Cougar Comment
The Lehigh Valley Christian High School Spring Choir Concert is set for May 4 at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Catasauqua.
On that date, the winners of the Donna Draft Parris Memorial Music Scholarship will also be announced. Four scholarships (one per grade level) totaling $2,500 toward tuition will be presented for outstanding participation in the LVCHS music program, in honor of former music teacher, the late Donna Draft Parris.
The school choir will also be going on tour May 14 to perform at two of our sending schools.
The LVCHS drama production of "Annie," performed this past weekend, was a big success.
The opening and closing shows were performed for a full house. Students were extremely happy with the outcome of the show and were well rewarded for all of their hard work.
LVCHS would like to thank the community and all of the parents who helped with the show and built the stage for our first-ever large musical production.
The spring sports season will soon come to a close.
Members of the track team have set numerous school and personal records. Student Rachel Loar said, "Track is one of my favorite things here at LVCHS. The coaches are very encouraging and all of my teammates are fun to work with and supportive of everything I do. We're like one big happy family."
The track team has two regional meets coming up – one this week at Messiah College and one in Bangor May 11.
The National Honor Society recently inducted eight new members, bringing the total membership up to 27, or 21 percent of the student body.
It is gratifying to see these students growing in character, scholarship, service and leadership, all traits that are pleasing to God.
Today, May 2, is the National Day of Prayer. We will also be having our annual senior auction fundraiser. The seniors will then serve their schoolmates for a day May 17.
Student Council elections for 2013-14 will be held May 9. That is also Teacher Appreciation Week, and the beginning of AP exams in chemistry, calculus, English literature, English language, biology, physics and U.S. history.
On Tuesday, May 14, the school will be hosting a vision-casting and fundraising dessert in the evening. All attendees must RSVP to the school office.
Our annual Spring Sling will take place Thursday, May 16.
This is a competition between groups of students in the physics and AP physics classes to see who can build the best catapult or trebuchet.
Students are also preparing excitedly for the annual junior-senior banquet May 18. The banquet provides time for students to celebrate the end of the year with their schoolmates and reminisce about good times.