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salisbury police department

The Salisbury Township Police Department and the Salisbury Township Emergency Management Department have partnered with Lehigh Valley Health Network to produce a multi-purpose emergency preparedness poster. The poster, which provides important information concerning weather emergencies; natural disasters; fires, hazardous materials releases; chemical, biological and nuclear attacks; may also be used to indicate a resident's need for assistance during an event. The posters, which may be displayed in a window facing a street, have a "red" side (to indicate help is needed) and a "green" side (to indicate no help is needed and they are "OK"). Police patrols, EMS and fire units will be alerted when signs are displayed during an emergency situation when electrical service, telephone service and cell phone service may be disrupted.

Posters are available free of charge to any township resident 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Salisbury Township Municipal Building, 2900 South Pike Ave., Allentown, or the Salisbury Township Police Department, 3000 South Pike Ave., Allentown.