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Another View

This past week many of us were glued to the television, Internet and radio as we followed the Boston Marathon bombing and the recent apprehension of two suspects.

These events have caused me to ask of myself how and why man desires to harm other humans.

Thomas Hobbes argued in "Leviathan" man in a state of nature was "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."

There is no question about it, more than 300 years later, man still has a predilection for nastiness and a sick bent to harm his fellow man, by word and deed.

Sadly, violence still exists, even in today's far more civilized society.

Many of us have experienced it on the road in our vehicle when another motorist angrily shakes a fist at us because our driving was not up to par.

We see it in our schools by the bullying that takes place among students.

Our media outlets transmit violent images to us every day.

Often what engages us, as viewers, is the power and strength displayed by man and the harm he can do to others. And, when disagreements take place among nations, violence is extended by way of military might rather than sitting down – truly sitting down and listening to what the other party has to say – and talking through our disagreements.

I recall as a child the simpler days when the schools I attended were safe. For instance, standards and rules were not as strict as to what we brought to school. This was because a knife or gun never entered a school facility because it simply didn't belong there.

I remember openly roaming about the community I grew up in, happily interacting with my friends, never fearing for my life or the lives of those around me.

I yearn for days past when television shows and movies did not place an emphasis on violence. Where have those days gone? What have we done wrong as a "civilized society" to allow and enable such evil?

I believe the best way to confront the evil in the world is to teach our children at a young age, inside our homes, that violence is not a solution to our problems. Rather than teaching a young child to defend himself physically after he's been struck, teach the child to walk away and report the incident to an authority figure.

If something appears visually disturbing on the television, switch the channel to a show or program that offers a topic and images geared more toward family viewing.

If you are on the road in your vehicle and someone raises a fist your way, simply smile at the other person and proceed on your merry way.

If it's found the suspects brought into custody are responsible for the Boston bombing, they should answer for their crimes. That's what our legal system and justice is all about. Our actions always have consequences.

Last week's Boston bombing and the violence we are exposed to each day should lead all of us to reflect on what part we play, if any, in perpetuating violence. We should also ask ourselves how we can help eliminate some of the evil in our communities and world.

Rather than continue striking back at one another, we should explore alternative, more positive avenues to channel our anger because violence impacts all persons involved.The words spoken by Jesus in the Bible may be more instructive today than in any other point in recent history: "... for all who draw the sword will die by the sword" and "Love thy neighbor."

Let's spread the love around instead of the violence and hatred.

Mark Reccek

editorial assistant

Whitehall-Coplay Press

Northampton Press

Catasauqua Press