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District hires additional special ed supervisor

To handle increased demands in the special education department, Parkland School District has hired an additional supervisor, an action that restores a position eliminated two years ago due to budget constraints.

Andrew L. Weber, supervisor of special education for the Easton Area School District, was approved by the board March 26 at an annual salary of $95,000.

Director of School Services Rob Thornburg commented on the reason for obtaining additional help in special education.

"The level of need is growing, not the actual numbers but the need," Thornburg said. Autism is growing."

Even before the increased demands, the department was stretched thin as the position was unfilled for two years, Thornburg added.

District Superintendent Richard Sniscak said the new supervisor will be funded through restructuring of another department.

"When Network Administrator Lisa Cuvo resigned, we put funds from that position into special education," Sniscak said. "This is basically a shift."

He said about 20 individuals applied for the special education position.

"It was a good pool of candidates, and he came to the top," Sniscak said.

An Allentown native, Weber attended St. Thomas More elementary school, and Blair Academy for his high school years.

He did his undergraduate work at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

Weber then moved to California where he taught special education classes at a full inclusion charter school in La Jolla.

He received his Master of Science degree in special education from National University, near San Diego.

In 2008 he received his Supervisor of Special Education certificate from the University of Pittsburgh.

Weber was employed as a middle school learning support teacher in the Kutztown and Allentown school districts.

Thornburg reports administrative assignments in the special education department are undergoing a restructuring process.

He said Louise Fick oversees the kindergarten through grade 12 supervisors. Presently, David Ramsey is coordinator of services for kindergarten through grade eight while Angela Patterson is responsible for grades nine through 12. With the addition of Weber, the work will be divided by grade level or geography.

"We may restructure according to Springhouse and Orefield middle schools' feeder schools," stated Thornburg.

The superintendent offered thoughts on Weber's qualifications.

"Andrew has a great deal of special education experience that will assist him in being successful in this position," Sniscak said. "He possesses a dedication to serving young people and is extremely child-centered in his approach.

"We are excited to welcome him to the Parkland administrative team."

He expects Weber to begin working at Parkland by July 1.