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Q: What grade are you in?

A: I am in the 12th grade.

Q: What is your favorite subject? Why?

A: My favorite subject is physics. I love physics because it explains how all the simple things around us work and why they work the way they do.

Q: Have you received any special awards or recognition?

A: I lettered in rifle last year.

Q: Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?

A: I am involved in the video gram club at Emmaus High School. I am actually the president of this club.

Q: What is your next goal after high school?

A: My next goal after high school is to go to college and get my bachelor's degree. Hopefully I will continue until I earn my doctorate. I haven't decided what college to commit to yet as I am waiting to see where else I am accepted.

Q: What would you say your biggest challenge has been so far?

A: I don't know what my biggest challenge was because I can't think of a challenge I had that even comes close to some things others have had to face in their lives.

Q: What do you want to be remembered for?

A: I want to be remembered for leaving the world in a better condition than what it is now.

Q: Who is in your family?

A: My father Christopher, my mother Dana, my older brother Keith, my older sister Katelyn and younger sisters Brianna and Johanna.

Q: Do you have someone you look up to?

A: I don't look up to anyone because I spend all my time looking forward.

Q: Do you have any advice for your peers?

A: The advice I would give to my peers is, "You can't have a better tomorrow if you don't work to make one today."