Alburtis column
Last week's snow made the days seem like Christmas rather than Easter season. But I see signs of spring here and there. Flowers are pushing through the soil. When I had my garden at home, daffodils and daylilies were the first signs of change followed by fences of bright yellow forsythia along the roads. My friend and neighbor, Jean Stoneback, brought me the first pussy willows from her garden. I have always believed that spring was the Lord's way of bringing us out of the darkness (winter) into the light of his love.
The Lower Macungie Senior Citizens meet noon Tuesday, April 2 and 23. After a business meeting, games and bingo are played. There will also be entertainment March 23. Meetings are held at the Lower Macungie Township Community Center, 3400 Brookside Road, Macungie.
Call Doris at 610-966-3653 for information about the following trips: April 23, Ace in the Hole; April 24, Penn's Peak; April 25 to 28, Azalea Festival. The trips are open to everyone.
April is the last month for Friday Night Bingo games at the Alburtis Community Center, Walnut and Second streets, Alburtis. Doors open 5:30 p.m.; games begin 7 p.m. You must be 18 years old or older or accompanied by an adult. Refreshments available. Games resume in the fall.
The Ancient Oak Women's Organization meets 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 3 at St. Paul's UCC, Trexlertown Road, Trexlertown. The guest speaker is Mary Bach, consumer advocate for AARP. her topic will be "It's Your Money." She will also speak about consumer protection. She is chairperson for AARP, PA. consumer issues task force and has been quoted in many publications.
Date to remember: April 1, April Fools' Day.
News must be received by April 17 for the April 24 edition.
All you children ages two to six, grab your favorite stuffed bed buddy, put on your pajamas and join your friends for the 7:30 p.m. April 1 bedtime booktime night at the Lower Macungie Library.
For information about storytime, classes or scheduled activities, go on line at or call 610-966-6864.