March is a busy month of celebrations in our family. Four birthdays, one wedding anniversary and of course, that all important one, St. Patrick's Day. Growing up, that meant morning Mass, hearty breakfast, no school, off to see the parade and the gathering of family members for dinner. Singing, storytelling and reminiscing went on well into the late hours. Today, with most of the older family members gone and the younger ones scattered around the country, the day is remembered with cards, phone calls or watching a parade on television but it is always a time for celebration.
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the community center Saturday, March 24. Check the website or call 610-966-2954 for further information. The egg hunt begins 1 p.m.
The next Camp Fire Girls hoagie sale is Saturday, April 6. Call Hope DeIaco at 610-966-4663 to place an order. The girls will participate in the May Centennial Parade. There will also be an open house at the Camp Fire cabin, Church Street, Saturday afternoon, May 11. All former Camp Fire Girls who would like to participate in the parade are asked to contact DeIaco at the above phone number.
The borough office will be closed Good Friday, March 29.
The Alburtis Senior Citizens meet noon Wednesday, March 20 at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Quarry Road and Penn Avenue.
Call Doris at 610-966-3653 for information about the following trips: March 21, Allenberry; March 26, Rainbow Dinner Theatre. Also scheduled is an April trip to the Azalea Festival in Virginia Beach.
The Alburtis Area Community Center members meet 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 19 at the center on Walnut and Second streets. All Alburtis residents are urged to attend.
Alburtis residents are invited to attend the meeting of the Alburtis Lock Ridge Historical Society meeting 7 p.m. March 14 at their headquarters on Church and Franklin streets, lower level. Election of officers will be held in April. Anyone wishing to run for office is asked to attend the March meeting.
The Centennial is almost here. Anyone intending to participate in the parade, call Borough Hall at 610-966-4777. Centennial dates are May 10, 11 and 12.
For Friday Night Bingo at the community center, doors open 5:30 and games start 7 p.m. Players must be 18 or accompanied by an adult. Refreshments are available.
Dates to remember: March 29, Good Friday; March 31, Easter; April 1, April Fool's Day.
As part of the Alburtis Centennial celebration May 10, 11 and 12, the Alburtis Lockridge Historical Society will provide an opportunity for people with memories of Alburtis to document them in a series of oral history recordings 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. March 27, 6 to 9 p.m. March 28, and 9 a.m. to noon March 29. The recordings will take place at The Media People, 556 Franklin St., Alburtis. Each session will be 30 minutes and interested parties should call 610-966-5433 to schedule. These oral histories will be edited into a presentation that will premier at the headquarters of the Alburtis Lockridge Historical Society, the Lock Ridge Memorial Church, May 11.
News for the April 10 column must be received by April 2.