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STUDENT OF THE WEEK Samantha Schwartz

Q: What grade are you in?

A: I am in 12th grade.

Q: What is your favorite subject? Why?

A: My favorite subject is English, because I have always had a passion for writing and analyzing pieces of literature. As I have moved along to higher-level courses, now currently enrolled in AP 12th grade English, the writing and analyzing has become increasingly more challenging. I embrace the college level assignments given to me in this course with an open mind and a will to succeed in where my passion lies.

Q: Have you received any special rewards or recognition?

A: I was inducted into the Spanish Honor Society junior year when I was enrolled in Spanish 4 honors. I was also inducted into National Honor Society. Outside of school, I received a black belt in jujitsu.

Q: Are you involved in any extracurricular activities?

A: I have been involved in the Red Cross Club all four of my years at Emmaus and therefore I am most loyal to this club out of the others I am involved in. I hold the position of secretary in both Red Cross and Model UN, the latter of which I joined in junior year. I am also involved in Hiking Club and Young Democrats. Outside of school I hold a part-time position at Yocco's on Route 100, a job I took up at the beginning of junior year.

Q: What is your next goal after high school?

A: After high school I plan on attending a four-year college where I will study marketing. I have applied to Pitt and Temple and am currently working on applications to Drexel and University of Connecticut.

Q: What would you say your biggest challenge has been so far?

A: My biggest challenge in my academic life thus far has been balancing a job, complicated living situations, schoolwork, clubs and my social life. On average I work four days per week leaving little time for homework, especially considering the small amount of free time I have before my shift begins, which is usually taken up by a club meeting. Living in two different houses due to my parents' divorce is a big challenge. Missing days at school because of a medical condition and making doctor appointments for treatments that temporarily interrupted my schooling was challenging, but things are being resolved and I am taking measures to get back on track.

Q: What do you want to be remembered for?

A: I would like to be remembered by my peers and teachers as a student who always tried to look at the positives in life and make the best out of tough situations.

Q: Who is in your family?

A: My biological family consists of my mother Lisa, father Matt, and twin sister Kim. Living with me at my dad's is his girlfriend Cyndi and her two kids Carolynn and Cole, three cats named Iggy, Ozzy, and Oreo and a Rottweiler/ German Shepard mix named Spook. At my mom's I have a cat named Zorro.

Q: Do you have someone you look up to?

A: As an aspiring businessperson, my interest was peaked by my father's success in sales. He has held various high positions for well-known companies, and is currently the director of sales at Murad. My dad's agreeable personality and ability to make great connections as well as his vast knowledge in sales is what has propelled him to such success, and I can only hope to emulate these qualities in my future studies so that one day I can be as successful in what I hope to do as my father has been.

Q: Do you have any advice for your peers?

A: My advice to my peers is to always attack every hardship presented head on, while keeping aware of your limits. Remember that we are all only human, and your fellow students may be more understanding of your faults than you might think. Also, in your academic career it is most important to pursue what you have interest in and not just to take a course because your friends are taking it or because it is deemed as the next logical step to take. Although I do recommend taking certain courses and skipping out on others primarily due to personal interest, it is also imperative that you consult your school counselor to make sure your choices keep you on track for the future you wish to pursue after high school.