District News
The Zephyr Elementary Key Club is currently collecting new adult socks for its "Sock it to Me" drive.
Please help the Key Club by bringing in new sock donations.
The drive began Jan. 15 and will run through Tuesday, Jan. 29.
The new socks will be decorated and donated to residents in assisted living homes in Whitehall.
Zephyr celebration: The students at Zephyr Elementary will have the second SWPBS (School Wide Positive Behaviors) quarterly celebration Friday, Jan. 25.
Students who demonstrated appropriate behavior throughout the second marking period will be participating in a fun activity they selected.
Winter Time Blues Week: Zephyr Elementary's Winter Time Blues Week begins Monday, Jan. 28, with "blue day," so students and staff will wear the color blue.
Tuesday is "stomp out the blues" with crazy socks and shoes day. Wednesday is the day to wear maroon and gold for "pump it up with Zephyr pride day."
On Thursday, it is "too cool for winter" with crazy hat and sunglass day. Feb. 1 is "Superbowl Friday," so wear your favorite Superbowl team colors.
Elementary report cards: Report cards will be issued Jan. 30 for elementary students throughout the district.
Parents are urged to spend time with their children discussing report cards to help them succeed. Students need parental support as well as their teachers support.
Parents who have any questions or concerns should contact their child's teacher.
Plastic bottles wanted: The fifth-grade science classes at Zephyr are asking you to save and send in your plastic liter bottles for their upcoming science projects.
A drop-off bin is located in front of the building. Students may also bring them to school. Either way, please be sure to rinse them out.
Winter dismissals: The district encourages parents to make arrangements for their children in the event that school is dismissed early due to winter weather. Parents should make sure their children know what to do in case of an emergency.
Parents can listen to daily weather reports to learn whether school schedules could be impacted. Parents can also visit the district website at www.whitehallcoplay.org.
In the event of bad weather, the school district may opt to close school for the day, open later or close early. In the event of a two-hour delay, a modified kindergarten schedule will be used in which the morning session begins at 10:50 a.m. and ends at 12:40 p.m. Afternoon kindergarten will begin at 1:25 p.m. and end at 3:15 p.m.
Carnation sale: The middle school student council's annual carnation sale will run Jan. 22-30 to benefit the American Cancer Society.
Students and staff can purchase carnations to be given out on a date to be announced. Watch for more details to be sent home with students.
Steckel after-school program: The Steckel building's after-school program will take place Tuesdays and Thursdays from Feb. 5 through April 4 with sessions in reading and math.
The curriculum will focus on third-grade state standards. Students will receive instruction in small groups and will be responsible for their own transportation home.
The goal for this intervention will be to service students who are in need based on classroom data. For more information, contact the school.
Kindergarten registration: This year's kindergarten registration will be held April 9-12.
Beginning the first week of February, parents may call the Gockley office at 610-433-7551 and press 4 for the main office to schedule an appointment. Students must be 5-years-old before Sept. 1, 2013.
More information will be given to parents at the time the appointment is scheduled.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the Whitehall-Coplay School District.
Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTOs, club advisors and community members are invited to share news of their upcoming activities.
Please email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with "Whitehall-Coplay Press" in the subject line at least a week before an event.
The Press is released every Thursday. My column is completed by the Sunday before the Thursday release.