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Viking Voices

As the first semester comes to a close, midterm exams are quickly approaching.

All in-class exams – those taken during a regular school day for selected junior and senior courses – will take place Jan. 14 and 18. All regular exams will take place Jan. 15-17.

Students will be dismissed from school 11:30 a.m. for all regular exams.


The first quarter honor roll list is now available on the school's website, acchs.info.

All students with summa cum laude (first honors), magna cum laude (second honors) and cum laude (third honors) are listed.


Central Catholic High School Principal Dennis Nemes has worked closely with CCHS administration to develop in-service days during the 2012-13 school year in order to promote analysis and ongoing improvement in the curriculum.

The primary focus of these days will be the college preparatory level classes. Nemes would like to ensure high academic achievement of all students and continue to improve in the areas of standardized testing and college admissions.


Parent volunteers are still needed to help monitor the CCHS library 3-4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in order to allow students to use library resources for homework and projects during after-school hours.

For further information or to volunteer, contact Terri Costenbader at tcostenbader@acchs.info or Margaret Geist at mgeist@acchs.info.


The deadline to turn in gift cards for this year's Viking Fest has once again been extended to Jan. 18.

CCHS students must turn in all gift cards to the development office in order to receive a spirit dress down day.

More information was handed out at the Back To School Night and can also be found in the October Parent Newsletter at acchs.info.