Published December 25. 2012 11:00PM
Traditions of Hanover Independent Living is holding "Taste of the Holidays" Open House, 2 - 4 p.m. Dec. 30, 5300 Northgate Drive, Bethlehem, near Wegman's, off Route 512.
Feast on culinary treats created by Traditions chefs and listen to holiday classics performed by the Old Towne Carolers, classical pianist Evelyn Michaels, and harpist Rebecca Simpson. Prizes will be offered.
"After the busy holiday season, guests are invited to relax, enjoy memorable entertainment and take a tour," said Rosalind Haglund, Traditions executive director.
The event is free and open to the public. RSVPs are not required, but appreciated.
RSVP and information: Jennifer or Rachel, 610-882-0400