District News
The Zephyr Elementary Key Club will be holding a holiday drive Tuesday, Nov. 27, through Friday, Dec. 14.
The group will be collecting nonperishable food items for Christmas dinner baskets to donate to Whitehall families over the holidays.
Teachers from the Whitehall-Coplay Education Association will be assisting the Zephyr Key Club in delivering the food baskets Dec. 17-21.
In addition to donations for food baskets, the Key Club will be collecting new toys, hats, gloves and gently used and new coats to donate. All donations will be given to families in need in the Whitehall community.
Study Island: Students have access to a web-based program that provides excellent practice in reading and math. Study Island is located at www.studyisland.com or can be accessed from the link on the school district website www.whitehallcoplay.org
Students log in with the username and password they receive in computer class.
Zephyr yearbook orders: Visit the district website and link to the Zephyr Elementary School to order a 2012-13 yearbook.
The deadlines for orders is Dec. 21.
Classroom Connections: The Bottom Dollar Classroom Connections program is designed to help Steckel earn much needed educational equipment.
To participate, just register your Bottom Dollar food membership card. If you do not have one, you can get one at any Bottom Dollar customer service counter or online at www.bottomdollarfood.com.
To sign up for George D. Steckel Elementary School, go to www.bottomdollarfood.com and enter school code 52820. Click on Community News then on Classroom Connections.
After you register, when you shop at Bottom Dollar Food and use your membership card, Steckel will automatically earn credit.
Box tops: The PTO is still collecting box tops from General Mills products and will continue to do so throughout the year. The box tops are sorted and sent to the General Mills in return for donations to our school.
Market Day fundraiser: Market Day provides the community the opportunity to buy restaurant-quality food products from the same vendors that supply many upscale restaurants.
The PTO earns profit on purchases and returns this money to students through various PTO-sponsored events and programs.
Order sheets come home once a month. You can find out more about Market Day and even place your order online at www.marketday.com.
Register your email address to receive special offers and reminders. Whitehall's Market Day account code is 22383.
Thanksgiving break: The Whitehall-Coplay School District will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday Nov. 22-26.
Have a safe and happy holiday with family and friends.
Do you have any school news? This column is a compilation of upcoming school events in the Whitehall-Coplay School District.
Teachers, administrators, parents, students, coaches, PTOs, club advisors and community members are invited to share news of their upcoming activities.
Please email me at jamb87@hotmail.com with "Whitehall-Coplay Press" in the subject line at least a week before an event.
The Press is released every Thursday. My column is completed by the Sunday before the Thursday release.
Hope to hear from you!