Published November 01. 2012 12:00AM
For those students who either didn't have their pictures taken or who would like their photos taken again, picture retake day is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 5, from 7:45 to 8:45 a.m.
If you'd like to Give a Pint and Save a Life, then sign up to become a blood donor for the National Honor Society's first blood drive of the school year on Nov. 8.
Penn State Lehigh Valley is hosting a fall application night on Thursday, Nov. 8, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Admissions counselors will be available to assist students with completing applications.
Applicants will also have the chance to win a variety of prizes.
Varsity C Club members are now selling 2013 Entertainment Books. If you are interested in purchasing one, catch up with them either before or after school.
For anyone interested in participating in boys or girls basketball or wrestling, sign-ups are now taking place in the high school athletic office.