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Positive attitudes abound at Eyer's Fall Frolic

Students enjoyed games and activities at the Fall Frolic, a major PAWS fundraising event, held recently at Eyer Middle School, Macungie.

Students with a pre-paid ticket could go on all the rides, play all the games and participate in all of the activities.

During the event the hallways at Eyer were alive with crowds of students lined up and socializing while waiting their turn to play games or participate in activities.

A group of students gathered in the hallway were listening to background music provided by Music Teacher Justin Brehm, singing while playing a portable electric organ.

Outside, students lined up to ride a mechanical bull.

"It looks easy but it's hard," said sixth grader Timmy Higgins, who tried his best to hold on during his ride, but in the end could not.

For students who like to climb, there was a 30-foot climbing wall to conquer. In another location, students lined up to take their turn trying to hit the bull's-eye connected to a collapsible seat over a tank full of water to dunk Principal Dave Silfies or Assistant Principal Michael Kelly.

The weather was perfect.

The cafeteria was full of students busy buying drinks, food or snow cones. The constant hum of conversations and active participation dotted with spurts of laughter could be heard and seen everywhere during this popular event to support PAWS.

PAWS (Positive Attitudes Will Succeed) is part of an East Penn School District middle school program fostered by a committee of parents and Eyer staff members meeting monthly to plan programs with incentives to nurture positive behavior, values, beliefs and goals to discourage bullying and negative behavior.

Through positive behavior students earn stickers they accumulate to earn PAWS shirts they are encouraged to wear on Fridays. PAWS is a spin-off of the national program PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support).