Published September 20. 2012 12:00AM
The Sheckler Elementary School Cherrydale fundraiser orders are due Sept. 28 along with payment. Checks should be made payable to Sheckler Home and School. Remember to include your child's name and homeroom number on the check.
Delivery is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 7. By selling 10 items, students will qualify to be invited to The Mega Moola Event in November with DJ Heidi, which will include inflatables along with games, dancing and snacks.
For families with more than one student in Sheckler, a family plan is offered by selling 15 items. Selling 35 items or more will get you riding in style on a limo lunch cruise during the school day.
Reminder that Kid Stuff Books or orders for books along with payments are due back to school Sept. 28.
If you have a student in kindergarten or third grade, remember to return their physical and dental forms to the school.