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Lower Mac 125s, 110s get wins over Beth. Steelers

The 3-0 Lower Mac 125s dominated the Bethlehem Steelers by racing out quickly for the second week in a row to a 20-0 halftime lead and holding on for a 26-6 win.

They overpowered the Steelers up front with their big linemen Dennis Csensits and Josh Gross leading the charge. Josh Artis ran the ball with authority putting it in the end zone three times. The highlight of the game was a 65-yard touchdown pass from Stefan Rollins to Cody Gross, who made a spectacular over the shoulder running catch for the touchdown.

Defensively the Mustangs shutdown the strong Steelers running attack with great efforts from the Zach Kociban, Bobby Newhard, and Chris Smith. Next week the 125s travel to play the 3-0 Bethlehem Bulldogs.

The 110-pound Mustang team defeated the Bethlehem Steelers 20-0 to improve to 3-0. Timmy Higgins, Collin Ravier and Brandon Camire led the running attack which was capped by Sone Ntoh scoring three times. Liam Garrett, Richie Tracchio, Matthew Garrett and Adam Heiserman created the holes up front.

The defense was led by Carlton Lovette, Ryan Sylvia, and Noah Kociban.

The 95s lost for the first time to the Steelers 19-6, while the 80s had a hard fought game with Bethlehem Steelers losing 6-0.