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Camp Jefferson column

Monday began with splitting the campers into three groups and rotating between a game of knockout and a few games of jailbreak.

When it got too hot outside, we headed indoors to cool off and do the craft of the week. We decorated sunglasses to use for the upcoming field trip to Camelbeach Mountain Waterpark.

The campers used stickers, duct tape, pipe cleaners and markers to draw creative designs on the sunglasses. Many of the campers made goofy glasses while others designed fashionable eyewear.

After the craft, the campers formed a large game of manhunt through the park. We finished the day cooling off at the pool.

On Tuesday Camp Jefferson, along with some lifeguards, headed to the Camelbeach Mountain Waterpark. Campers spent the day on rides and slides.

A few brave campers went on Vortex, a body slide with what resembled a toilet bowl affect, and FlowRider, where they learned how to surf the waves. Many also spent a lot of time in the wave pool.

The weather on Tuesday ended up being perfect for a waterpark.

Wednesday started off cool and wet, so we played lots of four square and dodge ball games inside the building. Once the sun began to show through the clouds, some campers played capture the flag and others continued with four square and free time outside.

Thursday was a relaxing day with campers wanting to play more dodge ball and four square all morning.

The counselors put out more crafts, allowing the campers to be creative. They painted on anything they could find such as paper and frisbees. Some of the campers found beads and, soon enough, the camp turned into a hair salon. One of the counselors took time to braid and add beads to many of the girls' hair. The rest of the day was spent swimming and showing off the new hairstyles at the pool.

The theme for Friday was beach day and campers dressed in their best beach or Hawaiian apparel.

We started with relay races between two teams throughout the jungle gyms in the park. The campers were excited to participate in the competition.

Once again the campers continued with competitive games of four square inside while others showed their creative talents with markers, crayons and colored pencils. Many campers wrote their names and sayings in fancy writings and funky tribal designs.

We finished Friday off at the refreshing Jefferson pool and announced our campers of the week, Madison and Jordan. Great job campers!

Submitted by

Chloe Link
