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Camp Cementon column

This has been a very good year so far; time is flying by.

On Monday we started off the week with a game of human pinball, one of the favorites at camp. Everyone battles to see who can stay in the game the longest.

Zach Y. was the winner of this game and he was very good at dodging the balls that were rolled at him from all different angles.

Every week we need to make sure to explain the camp rules and pool rules and any other expectations because there are new campers.

We also played kickball on Monday on the baseball field and the campers were very excited, especially when we mentioned that we were having three teams. One team was made up of all of the counselors and the other two teams were made up of campers.

When the team of counselors was up, the campers were very excited to attempt to catch the ball or get us out. I was very surprised at the physical ability of some of the campers, especially their ability to catch balls that were kicked way into the outfield by some of the counselors.

On Tuesday one of our campers found a small bat in the bathroom. We made sure to call the camp director so that he could take care of the situation and make sure we were all safe and able to use the bathroom again. We took pictures and showed them all to the kids while they were safe inside the building.

After all of the campers were settled down, we had them gather in the middle of the room so that they could start their weekly craft. This week, they made puppets out of paper bags and then were able to paint them however they wanted.

Some made zombies and some just painted different colors. It was completely up to them.

After the craft, we played fastest in the west and jump the river outside because the weather was nice and we wanted to enjoy the fresh air.

Wednesday was a very exciting day. When we were playing on the playground, we saw the Sleeping Hollow horse farm truck and trailer on its way to us for a visit.

They almost drove right by our park but we ran over and told them where they were supposed to be.

The campers were very excited to see a llama, goat and chicken and to ride the ponies. A few other animals there provided hours of entertainment for the children.

On Thursday we played games like usual at camp and then we went over to the pool for a while. While at the pool, there was an issue with the drains in the bathhouse and the pool closed so it could be fixed. We went back to the building to play games and enjoy the air conditioning.

On Friday the counselors ordered out since it's tradition to do that rather than packing a lunch.

All of the campers enjoyed our second craft this week, which was making popcorn hands with candy corn finger nails. Most of the kids ate this craft before it even made it into their backpack to take home.

We were very happy that the pool was re-opened and we could cool off in the nice water and go off the diving board.

The campers of the week this week were Maya B. and Michael B. It was a very hard decision, as it has been all summer, because the kids this year have been so well behaved. This has been my most enjoyable year at Camp Cementon.

Submitted by

Ryan Christman
