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New World Heritage Tours offered

Visitors to Historic Bethlehem will have the opportunity to discover the enduring impact of the Moravians on the United States and around the globe as...

School board OKs first reading of policies

During the Feb. 11 Catasauqua Area School District Board of Education meeting, the school board members approved the first reading of two policies. Po...

‘Nevermore 2024’ showcases students’ filmmaking skills

The Knauss Homestead and Emmaus Arts Commission presented the 20th Annual Student Film Festival Feb. 2 at the Emmaus Theater, 19 S. Fourth St., Emmaus...

Grundsau Lee predicts early spring for the Lehigh Valley

By LOU WHEELAND Special to The Press Temperatures in the mid 20s didn’t prevent visitors from joining Haaptmann (President of Grundsau Lodsch 16) Davi...

Community celebrates Brodheadsville man’s 100th birthday

Rain did not stop the revelry, as veterans, first responders, local dignitaries, neighbors, and community members paraded from West End Firehouse to A...

Valentine royalty

Coplay Saengerbund’s heritage committee asked the community to come and share their “love with family, friends and your honey at the valentine’s dance...
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Palmerton Community Festival

Weissport Halloween Parade 2023

Jim Thorpe HS pumpkin pie eating contest

Remembering the Carbon Commissioner Charlie Getz

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